My Grade 11 Experiences

Sep 18, 2023

3 min read

School Life
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2022 is the year that almost all school in Thailand ease in the Covid restrictions. So it's like the real start for high school experience for us (normally it starts at Grade 10 but we're mostly in lockdown). I've got to know a lot of people and work on wide varieties of projects. That's why I considered Grade 11 (or 2022 in a whole) to be a big year for me. It has been a wild ride and I learned a lot from it.

funnily enough, I spent more than half of 2023 writing this.


Screenshot 20220704-113503 YouTube

The name doesn't make much sense in English. But it's a parody music video themed around energy saving. This project is a class project for one of our art subject. It's quite fun to work with everyone involved and although we hit a few hiccups along the way, The final product still turns out fine.

Here's the link If you want to check it out:

Original Song: TATTOO COLOUR - เผลอไป


I think it's kind of weird to go on an internship as a highschooler, it makes sense if you're interested in public health stuff (high school internship is kind of like, you go and observe them most of the time.) . I wouldn't even want to call what I did an internship, I would call it a sit-in observation. But I do learn a lot from them. It's the first time I tried using PHP and Apache. (Yeah, LAMP/WAMP stack are still mainstream in most of the government officials and some of educational institute in Thailand.)

I worked on a simple project during this internship. You can check it out here.

Also, here's a one day vlog type thingy I made.

Sports Day Event

In grade 11, We've been assigned to be the leader of each teams (colors) we represent. I took on the responsibility as a "president of sports and competition" and "secretary". In terms of what I did, I kinda do everything that I got to do since one of my close friend was assigned a president role. In the end, it teaches me to be more responsible and leadership.

Here's a glimpse of what I did.


(I did mess something up in that artwork. But I also helped fix it.)


As the president of sports and competition, I help manage most of the athletes for most of the sports.


I also managed badminton athletes with one of my friend.

Parcetrace, STEM Project and my NSC experience.

I spent most of 2022 developing "Parcetrace", a parcel management solution for condominium. It started out as a school project, but I submitted it to the National Software Contest (NSC) and got accepted to the first stage. Disappointingly, that'd be the furthest I would've gone.


Here's me and my cousin presenting out STEM Project


We also did a demo. Everything went super well, better than I had thought it would go.


Here's us presenting it to NSC referee. This one doesn't went as well as the last one.


There's a lot more experiences I got from 2022 that I haven't listed here. But here's all the major one that I felt made some impact on me, both positively and negatively (lol).

That's all for this blog post. I'll be back when 2023 ends.


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